
3月18日晚上,豆瓣网友 K 发表了这样一条广播:




他从樱桃树跳到橄榄树,又跳到栗树上,远远地消失在了森林里。社区组织了一万名志愿者对那片森林进行了拉网式搜索,终于将柯希莫 •迪 • 隆多给架到子检测点。







这篇采访在4月14号放了出来,名为<Chinese writers borrow from Western classics to illustrate life in the age of COVID>,是一段7分钟的短播客。这时候和接受采访时的3月29日比起来,许多更加不可思议的事情发生了,绝对比一万个志愿者抓做测试更离谱。



FENG: For others, adapting their own pandemic literature is a way to blow off steam in a safe way. Jon Zhang, a Beijing-based software engineer, is a writer who falls into this school. He started reading, in his spare time while working from home, “The Baron In The Trees” by Italo Calvino, a philosophical fable extolling liberty.

JON ZHANG: (Through interpreter) And I started thinking that Cosimo the baron is a character who’s rebelling against social restrictions and looking for freedom, something particularly meaningful to contemplate in China’s current reality. If a character like the baron were to live in China now, what would he do?


FENG: In Calvino’s telling, Cosimo manages to create a free life for himself for decades in the treetops of the Italian countryside. He succeeds in breaking free of his aristocratic family. Zhang’s story ends a bit differently.

ZHANG: (Through interpreter) People told the baron in the tree to come down and do a PCR test. Cosimo refused. He jumped from the cherry tree to the olive tree, then to the chestnut tree and disappeared into the forest far away. So the community officials organized 10,000 volunteers to conduct a search of the forest, and finally, they dragged Cosimo to the test site.

FENG: Zhang says writing pandemic fiction is an act of protest against the dozens of PCR tests the local government’s required him to do and the repetitive lockdowns he’s endured. Fiction, he believes, is the best way to illustrate the absurdity of life in the age of COVID.

ZHANG: (Through interpreter) What I want to satirize are these ossified, bureaucratic COVID-containment policies.

FENG: And he imagines himself during long stretches of boredom by imagining what the writers of yesteryear who he imitates would think if they lived a day in his shoes in China.

ZHANG: (Through interpreter) I think they would find my reality preposterous and the way we do things abnormal.

FENG: However, Jon normally keeps these thoughts to himself. That’s why he writes in private - because in fiction, anything is fair game.

Emily Feng, NPR News, Beijing.
